We hosted the Great Places – great debates in June, giving members the chance to discuss how they see housing associations' roles in creating great places and share good practice from their own organisations.

Our Great Places debates (June 2018)

We organised debates in the Midlands, Yorkshire and the North East. You can read about the discussions in our reports, available below:

Kevin Rodgers, Chief Executive of WM Housing Group and Great Places Commissioner, has also written a blog discussing the role of housing associations in working with communities, as discussed at our debate in Coventry.

Our Great Places workshops (Feb 2019)

The Commission wants to open up the conversation on creating great places as widely as possible. Having spoken to hundreds of housing association staff, residents and stakeholders since the programme launched in March 2018, they have been keen to broaden their insight with a view to developing the final recommendations this spring.

Three workshops took place in February for members to discuss the Commission's findings so far and shape its final recommendations. Click on the links below to read the notes from the meetings:

Find out more

To find out more about the debates or the Great Places programme in general, get in touch at greatplaces@housing.org.uk.

You can also follow our progress on Twitter by searching for #GreatPlacesCommission