Elaine Batty, Christina Beatty, Mike Foden, Paul Lawless, Sarah Pearson and Ian Wilson Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research Sheffield Hallam University

Year of publication: 2010

This report collates the evidence presented in a series of final reports from the national evaluation of the New Deal for Communities (NDC) Programme carried out from 2001 to 2010.

The NDC programme, launched in 1998, used intensive area-based initiatives designed to transform 39 deprived neighbourhoods in England.

Between 1999-2000 and 2007-08 they developed, with partner agencies, a range of interventions, designed to support locally developed strategies that encompass the three place-related outcomes of crime and community safety, community and housing and the physical environment, and the three people-related outcome areas of health, education and worklessness.

The report found that:

  • There had been considerable positive change in the 39 NDC areas: in many respects these neighbourhoods have been transformed in the last 10 years
  • In general, NDC areas had narrowed the gaps with the rest of the country
  • In general, NDC partnerships had worked well with delivery agencies, especially those with a remit to help improve services within neighbourhoods.
  • NDC partnerships had made immense and sustained efforts to engage with their local communities. Benefits accrue to those who get involved with their local partnership.

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The New Deal for Communities Experience: A final assessment

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