Year of publication: 2016
This report outlines the g15’s vision and activity to respond to the housing crisis in London by delivering 14,000 new homes by 2040 through 35 estate regeneration schemes. It sets out the key challenges of regeneration, asks of local and central government and gives case studies to support analysis of the work already undertaken.
The report is keen to show housing associations critical role in regeneration through their long-term commitment to an area, financial investment and their social philosophy. In particular, HAs experience in resident engagement is often the key to successful regeneration.
Out of all g15 completions in 2014-16, replacement or additional regeneration units were 13% of all completed units.
The report highlights five key challenges to delivery:
- Housing policy, in particular VRTB and Starter Homes, unstable policy environment
- Flexibility of rent setting and secure, viable rental incomes
- Investment – housing association resources with a small percentage of government subsidy, with a call for more public subsidy and flexibility in how it can be used
- Targeted action when choosing which estates will benefit from regeneration
- Leadership and partnership is vital for successful schemes
g15’s asks of government respond to the five key challenges above.
Content type: Placemaking
Tags: Report
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