The Rt Hon the Lord Heseltine of Thenford CH
Year of publication: 2017
This document gives Lord Heseltine’s response to the UK Government Green Paper Building our Industrial Strategy. He sets out how important it is for the Government to have an industrial strategy and proposes eight initial steps to achieve this, including:
- creating a ministerial committee of all the wealth-generating potential of Whitehall;
- reporting by departments on how they can contribute to the strategy;
- organising the Civil Service to respond effectively to the increasing place-based policies of devolution;
- producing a Competitiveness White Paper, and
- review devolution of more policy functions (such as skills and employment).
He emphasises the role the private sector has to play, and how essential education and skills are to delivery.
The report notes the lack of coordination across different Government Departments on policies to address deprivation, with one exception being a Parks Action Group to protect parks. He suggests there may be wider benefits of horticulture in making a difference to people living in deprived areas through creation of job opportunities and pride in an area.
Lord Heseltine concludes that there is an urgent and unavoidable need to analyse and understand our competitive strengths and how to exploit them in the realities of the world marketplace.
Content type: Economy
Tags: Report
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