National Housing Federation

Year of publication: 2018

Literature review to inform the Federation’s project on Great Places. Review of what current evidence says about associations’ impact on the economy, what makes a great place and lessons from previous initiatives to create great places.

Conclusions are:

  • the creation of great places may be more challenging in an age of austerity as the state withdraws from a leading role in the design and place agenda and funding from the European Union stops following UK withdrawal from membership.
  • there is clearly no one-size-fits-all solution to stopping decline of areas, particularly when deprived areas are not heterogeneous and previous regeneration schemes, such as New Deal for Communities and Housing Market Renewal, have been criticised for lacking local flexibility to prioritise.
  • housing associations, as anchor institutions, can play a key role in improving their local areas through collaboration, procurement and employment policies and evidencing the economic impact of their day-to-day activities.

Content type: Anchor institutions

Tags: Report

Great Places: literature review


Great Places Literature Review — pdf (1.165 MB)