Cabinet Office

Year of publication: Ongoing

In the UK, 87% of people are White, and 13% belong to a Black, Asian, Mixed or Other ethnic group.

Use this service to find information about the different experiences of people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. This service gathers data collected by government on ethnicity to look at the different experiences across a range of topics. The data is grouped into themes with short summaries of facts and figures, explanations of what the data measures and graphs. Images of charts and tables of data are available for download, with links to the surveys that provided the data.

Ethnicity data is broken down into the following topics:

  • crime, justice and the law: policing, crimes, courts, sentencing, prisons and custody
  • culture and community: arts, digital, museums, libraries, volunteering, transport, local area and neighbourhoods
  • education, skills and training: schools, exclusions, further and higher education, apprenticeships and where people go after leaving education
  • health: physical and mental health, preventing illness, quality of care, access to treatment, patient experiences and outcomes
  • housing: home ownership, renting, social housing, homelessness and housing conditions
  • work, pay and benefits: employment, unemployment, pay and income, benefits, business and the public sector workforce

Content type: Culture

Tags: Data

Ethnicity facts and figures

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