
Year of publication: 2016

Through a land value model and series of case studies, this report outlines the financial benefits to placemaking. The model suggests that early investment in placemaking, such as schools, public realm, shops, services and employment, will raise land values by 25%. Early investment releases the potential for higher sales rates and sales values, while later investment leads to a reduction in land value. Early investment does present a development risk, so solutions, such as patient capital and/or Joint Ventures with landowners willing to draw receipts later in the development process, are needed.

The three case studies are Alconbury Weald, Heyford Park and Poundbury.

The report makes additional recommendations around creating great places, namely: having sites come forward in areas where there is high housing demand; disposal of public land; longer term thinking around investment, with landowners willing to take a longer view and withdraw funds at a later date; Government infrastructure support, and Government funding and policies that support house building.

Content type: Culture

Tags: Report

Development: The Value of Placemaking

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